5.4. Error Console

The Error console offers more possibilities than the single GIMP Message. This is a log of all errors occurring while GIMP is running. You can save all this log or only a selected part.

5.4.1. Activating the Dialog

The Error Console dialog is a dockable dialog; see the section Section 2.3, “Dialogs and Docking” for help on manipulating it.

You can access it:

  • from an image menu: WindowsDockable DialogsError Console;

  • from the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking on and selecting Add TabError Console.

5.4.2. The Error Console Dialog

Figure 15.75. Error Console Dialog window

“Error Console” Dialog window

Clear errors

This button lets you delete all errors in the log.

[Warning] Warning

You can't undo this action.

Save all errors

This button lets you save the whole log. You can also select a part of the log (by click-and-dragging the mouse pointer or by using the Shift+Arrow keys key combination) and save only this selected part by pressing the Shift key.

A dialog window Save Error Log to File lets you choose the name and the destination directory of this file:

Figure 15.76.  Save Error Log to file Dialog window

“Save Error Log to file” Dialog window

[Tip] Tip

You will as well find these button actions in the dialog tab menu by clicking on , or in the context menu you get by right-clicking on the dialog window.