8.35. Filter Pack

8.35.1. Overview

Figure 16.189. Example for the Filter Pack filter

Example for the “Filter Pack” filter

Original image

Example for the “Filter Pack” filter

Filter FilterPack applied (more Blue, more Saturation)

This tool offers you a collection of unified filters to treat the image. Of course, same functions can be performed by particular filters, but you have here an interesting, intuitive, overview.

8.35.2. Activate the filter

You can find this filter in the image window menu under ColorsFilter Pack.

8.35.3. Options

Figure 16.190. All the options for filter Filter Pack

All the options for filter “Filter Pack”

Original and Current previews

Two previews display respectively before treatment and after treatment images.


Sets what you want to preview:

  • Entire image

  • Selection only: if a selection exists (default is the whole image).

  • Selection in context: the selection within the image.


You can choose between:

  • Hue makes one preview for each of the three primary colors and the three complementary colors of the RGB color model. By clicking successively on a color, you add to this color into the affected range, according to Roughness. To subtract color, click on the opposite color, the complementary color.

    Figure 16.191.  Hue option of the Filterpack filter

    Hue option of the “Filterpack” filter

  • Saturation: Three previews for more or less saturation.

    Figure 16.192.  The saturation option of the Filterpack filter

    The saturation option of the “Filterpack” filter

  • Value: Three previews for more or less luminosity.

    Figure 16.193.  Value option of the Filterpack filter

    Value option of the “Filterpack” filter

  • Advanced: developed later.

Affected range

Allows you to set which brightness you want to work with.

  • Shadows: dark tones.

  • Midtones

  • Highlights: bright tones

Select pixels by

Determines what HSV channel the selected range will affect. You can choose between:

  • Hue

  • Saturation

  • Value


This slider sets how image will change when you click on a window: taking a short step or a large one (0 - 1).

Advanced Options

Figure 16.194.  Advanced options of the Filterpack filter

Advanced options of the “Filterpack” filter

These advanced options let you work more precisely on the changes applied to the image and on the preview size.

Preview Size

Something like a zoom on previews. Normal size is 80.

[Tip] Tip

In spite of Preview Size option, this size is often too small. You can compensate this by working on an enlarged selection, for instance a face on a photo. Then, you invert selection to work on the other part of the image.

Affected range

Here, you can set the tone range that the filter will affect.

The curve in this window represents the importance of the changes applied to the image. The aspect of this curve depends on the Affected range you have selected: Shadows, Midtons or Highlights. You can set the curve amplitude by using the Roughness slider in the main window of the filter.

By using the available controls (slider and triangles), you can precisely set the form of this action curve.