13.13. Maze

13.13.1. Overview

Figure 17.314. An example of a rendered maze.

An example of a rendered maze.

Filter Maze applied

This filter generates a random black and white maze pattern. The result completely overwrites the previous contents of the active layer. A typical example is shown below. Can you find the route from the center to the edge?

13.13.2. Activating the filter

This filter is found in the image window menu under FiltersRenderPatternMaze.

13.13.3. Options

Figure 17.315. Maze filter options

“Maze” filter options

Maze Size

Width, Height

These sliders control how many pathways the maze should have. The lower the values for width and height, the more paths you will get. The same happens if you increase the number of pieces in the Width and Height Pieces fields. The result won't really look like a maze unless the width and height are equal.



You can specify a seed for the random number generator, or ask the program to generate one for you. Unless you need to later reproduce exactly the same maze, you might as well have the program do it.

Depth first, Prim's algorithm

You can choose between these two algorithms for maze. Only a computer scientist can tell the difference between them.


If you want to use it in a pattern, you can make the maze tileable by checking this check-button.