6.3. Hurl

6.3.1. Overview

Figure 17.128. Example for the Hurl filter

Example for the “Hurl” filter

Original image

Example for the “Hurl” filter

Filter Hurl applied

You can find this filter through FiltersNoiseHurl.

The Hurl filter changes each affected pixel to a random color, so it produces real random noise. All color channels, including an alpha channel (if it is present) are randomized. All possible values are assigned with the same probability. The original values are not taken into account. All or only some pixels in an active layer or selection are affected, the percentage of affected pixels is determined by the Randomization (%) option.

6.3.2. Options

Figure 17.129. Hurl options

“Hurl” options

Random seed

Controls randomness of hurl. If the same random seed in the same situation is used, the filter produces exactly the same results. A different random seed produces different results. Random seed can be entered manually or generated randomly by pressing New Seed button.

When the Randomize option is checked, random seed cannot be entered manually, but is randomly generated each time the filter is run. If it is not checked, the filter remembers the last random seed used.

Randomization (%)

This slider represents the percentage of pixels of the active layer or selection which will be hurled. The higher value, the more pixels are hurled.


It represents the number of times the filter will be applied. In the case of the Hurl filter it is not very useful, because the same results can be obtained faster just by using a higher Randomization (%) value.