Chapter 17. Filters

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Preview
2. Blur Filters
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Blur
2.3. Gaussian Blur
2.4. Selective Gaussian Blur
2.5. Motion Blur
2.6. Pixelise
2.7. Tileable Blur
3. Enhance Filters
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Antialias
3.3. Deinterlace
3.4. Despeckle
3.5. Destripe
3.6. NL Filter
3.7. Red Eye Removal
3.8. Sharpen
3.9. Unsharp Mask
4. Distort Filters
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Blinds
4.3. Curve Bend
4.4. Emboss
4.5. Engrave
4.6. Erase Every Other Row
4.7. IWarp
4.8. Lens Distortion
4.9. Mosaic
4.10. Newsprint
4.11. Page Curl
4.12. Polar Coords
4.13. Ripple
4.14. Shift
4.15. Value Propagate
4.16. Video
4.17. Waves
4.18. Whirl and Pinch
4.19. Wind
5. Light and Shadow Filters
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Gradient Flare
5.3. Lens Flare
5.4. Lighting Effects
5.5. Sparkle
5.6. Supernova
5.7. Drop Shadow
5.8. Perspective
5.9. Xach-Effect
5.10. Apply Lens
5.11. Glass Tile
6. Noise Filters
6.1. Introduction
6.2. HSV Noise
6.3. Hurl
6.4. Pick
6.5. RGB Noise
6.6. Slur
6.7. Spread
7. Edge-Detect Filters
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Difference of Gaussians
7.3. Edge
7.4. Laplace
7.5. Neon
7.6. Sobel
8. Generic Filters
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Convolution Matrix
8.3. Dilate
8.4. Erode
9. Combine Filters
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Depth Merge
9.3. Film
10. Artistic Filters
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Apply Canvas
10.3. Cartoon
10.4. Clothify
10.5. Cubism
10.6. GIMPressionist
10.7. Oilify
10.8. Photocopy
10.9. Predator
10.10. Softglow
10.11. Van Gogh (LIC)
10.12. Weave
11. Decor Filters
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Add Bevel
11.3. Add Border
11.4. Coffee Stain
11.5. Fuzzy Border
11.6. Old Photo
11.7. Round Corners
11.8. Slide
11.9. Stencil Carve
11.10. Stencil Chrome
12. Map Filters
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Bump Map
12.3. Displace
12.4. Fractal Trace
12.5. Illusion
12.6. Make Seamless
12.7. Map Object
12.8. Paper Tile
12.9. Small Tiles
12.10. Tile
12.11. Warp
13. Rendering Filters
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Difference Clouds
13.3. Fog
13.4. Plasma
13.5. Solid Noise
13.6. Flame
13.7. IFS Fractal
13.8. Checkerboard
13.9. CML Explorer
13.10. Diffraction Patterns
13.11. Grid
13.12. Jigsaw
13.13. Maze
13.14. Qbist
13.15. Sinus
13.16. Circuit
13.17. Fractal Explorer
13.18. Gfig
13.19. Lava
13.20. Line Nova
13.21. Sphere Designer
13.22. Spyrogimp
14. Web Filters
14.1. Introduction
14.2. ImageMap
14.3. Semi-Flatten
14.4. Slice
15. Animation Filters
15.1. Introduction
15.2. Blend
15.3. Burn-In
15.4. Rippling
15.5. Spinning Globe
15.6. Waves
15.7. Optimize
15.8. Playback
16. Alpha to Logo Filters
16.1. Introduction
16.2. 3D Outline
16.3. Alien Glow
16.4. Alien Neon
16.5. Basic I & II
16.6. Blended
16.7. Bovination
16.8. Chalk
16.9. Chip Away
16.10. Chrome
16.11. Comic Book
16.12. Cool Metal
16.13. Frosty
16.14. Glossy
16.15. Glowing Hot
16.16. Gradient Bevel
16.17. Neon
16.18. Particle Trace
16.19. Textured

1. Introduction

A filter is a special kind of tool designed to take an input layer or image, apply a mathematical algorithm to it, and return the input layer or image in a modified format. GIMP uses filters to achieve a variety of effects and those effects are discussed here.

1.1. Preview

Most filters have a Preview where changes in the image are displayed, in real time (if the Preview option is checked), before being applied to the image.

Figure 17.1. Preview submenu

Preview submenu

Right clicking on the Preview window opens a submenu which lets you set the Style and the Size of checks representing transparency.